Thursday, May 14, 2015

Virtual Connections

VES grade readers and writers participated in a virtual meeting with Will Hillenbrabd, author and illustrator.  They were hooked by the stories of his childhood, and the childhood of his son Ian.  The classes discovered that authors and illustrators weave "life" throughout their work.  Interesting uses id technology were demonstrated right before their eyes!  What a great way to enter Will's studio without leaving the classroom!  

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Number Sense

Our K-2 teachers are reading the book Number Sense Routines by Jessica Shumway.  Shumway says we need to provide our students with opportunities to "bump into" number sense daily.  Solid number sense is built over time and can rarely be directly taught.  As teachers, we must design these opportunities for students to grow their understanding of numbers, relationships between them, and how to manipulate then to solve problems.  Here are some ways number sense was developed in VES students today!!